Slip hazard sign

UK National Workplace Day of Remembrance -12th December 2021

Today we remember those who have been injured or died due to an accident in the workplace. Unfortunately accidents happen but businesses have a responsibility to reduce the risks of injuries in the workplace to protect their employees. You can reduce these risks by ensuring the correct processes and procedures are put into place, as well as providing training for your staff.

Under health and safety law, all workers are entitled to work in environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Responsibility for this primarily lies with the employer, who should consult with their employees and ensure health and safety protocols are well communicated and understood.

Spill control is one area that could result in accidents so must be taken seriously by employers and employees. A spill incident could impact customers or the environment if not managed correctly.

Ensuring your staff are well educated plays a pivotal role in managing spill risks. The more understanding they have of the potential hazards and consequences the better the outcome.

Chemical spills, if not managed correctly, can quickly escalate and lead to disastrous results.

Don’t put your workforce under unnecessary risks.

Our free of charge on-site spill survey service, illustrates ‘at risks’ areas and provide suitable solutions for your needs.

Our business is to provide expert advice and guidance to our customers to ensure they remain compliant. With the correct spill control management in place, accidents can be avoided.

Spillcraft can provide the expertise and support for your complete spill control management.  Including; spill response training, to give you peace of mind and protection for your workforce.


Remembering all of those who have been injured or died at the workplace, on this UK National Workplace Day of Remembrance

Want to understand how we can assist and support you with your spill management procedures? 

Contact us on T: 01606 352 679 or E: [email protected]